Gardening Vivian | 30 Jul 2010 03:13 pm

What Are the Benefits to Growing a Organic Garden?

Organic farmers do not want their families to consume foods that contain chemicals from pesticides. A vegetable grown organically and in the proper circumstance will naturally repel pests and diseases. Growing a Organic garden benefits not only you and your family, but your land, animals and the earth. And you will find with fertile soil and healthy plants that insect production will actually decrease.

Organic gardening, then, begins with attention to the soil, for it is the engine of the garden. You regularly add organic matter to the soil, using locally available resources wherever possible. Decaying plant wastes, such as grass clippings, fall leaves and vegetable scraps from your kitchen, are the building blocks of compost, the ideal organic matter for your garden soil.

Container gardening may be the answer when space is limited. Containers can also be used to accentuate decks, patios, entrances, and other areas. Container gardens can exist in just about any spot that gets good sun, such as a patio, deck or balcony. In fact, some say that a container garden is easier to maintain than a conventional garden.

Growing in raised beds and square foot gardening makes this easier too since you don’t have to spread compost or fertilizer over a whole field. Growing my own food wasn’t enough, though. If I was going to eat it, it had to be organic, especially with genetically modified foods becoming more of a global, food safety issue. Grow fresh organic vegetables and herbs in your own back yard.

Growing a organic garden is something that people do for many reasons. Maybe you want to supply your relatives with food that you grow yourself because you don’t have the assets to buy all organic food from the store.

Compost is a soil amendment used primarily to bring beneficial soil microbes to your soil. If you want a thick, green turf grass, you need to add protein to feed the soil microbes. Composting or decaying mulch is also a superb source of food for beneficial soil organisms such as earthworms. So in effect, what happens is that you don’t have to water as much and the water that you do apply to the garden is used by the plants in a more efficient way.

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