Crafts-Hobbies Vivian | 31 Jan 2011 11:52 pm

Reading and Sleep

Reading is a fun hobby for many, and also a necessary component of learning – especially while attending School, a College, or a University. This being said, sometimes we find that time may seem to slow down while reading, and even get sleepy. On the other hand, at times it may appear to speed time up significantly!

When we read books that genuinely has our interest, time seems to go faster than normal. It may be an interesting novel, a series of enjoyable books, or perhaps on topics that can capture our imagination. Another thing noticeable, is the amount of information we absorb, and the faster speed of reading. It’s usually said that time flies when you have fun.

As for books that don’t quite have our interest it can go a bit different. Sometimes we may read, and end up having to re-read certain parts – which can be partially due to getting sleepy and missing out on parts of information. Time can go both ways, it may seem faster or slower – I’ve found usually slower in this case. Unless of course we end up having mini naps in-between; then time may fly.

Perhaps it has been read before, that a good way to get to sleep is to read about something uninteresting! For most people, it may be boring – but as you do this, sleep may start to gradually set in. However, if you have other things to do before sleeping, it’s a good idea to take care of those things first – this way once the sleep sets in, you can have a peaceful nights rest without interruption.

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