Parenting Vivian | 28 Jun 2011 12:00 am

Defining Rules and Setting Limits For Your Child

We probably are not the first ones to admit that parenting is a very hard job. In fact, it is one of the most important jobs anyone will ever encounter. We’re sorry, but as much as we wish for it, that child does not come with an instruction manner. To have a child, no training is needed and there is no 24/7 hotline to call.

However, for new parents, it is easy to learn how to be a good parent. In order to become a good parent, you will need to watch, learn and listen. As we continue this article, we are going to give you some parenting advice for defining rules and setting limits for your child.

Children of all ages need to be provided with rules and structure for healthy development. Having structure in a child’s life helps the child gain independence and learn self control. It is vitally important that all family members are aware of the family rules. It is important children and adults to know where the lines are.

Your child will continue to test you to see if you are serious about enforcing rules, so make sure you remind them when needed. These gentle reminders are necessary because the child may simply forget a rule from time to time, or will not think to follow rules that are never enforced.

Finally, as your child gets older, start to give him or her more choices (such as letting your child choose which activities to participate in school. Also, give your child some free time to play with friends after your child has completed his/her responsibilities around the house. It even a good idea to have you child choose which responsibilities they would like to help out with in the home.

In conclusion, defining rules and setting limits is a challenging job, but in due time, you will get the hang of it. You may not be the “perfect limit setter” that you want to be, but just remember no one is perfect. Take your time and practice, and be patient with yourself during this process.

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