Crafts-Hobbies Vivian | 31 Jan 2010 07:18 pm

Coin Collecting at the Drop of a Dime

The beauty of dime collecting is it’s not only a hobby, but could also be a very profitable business venture. Dime collecting fascinates both youngsters and the elderly. The first step in this hobby starts from home. You will have to check your piggy banks, saving pots, dime jars, loose change etc. to see if you have a hidden gem. You might be in hold of a treasure in the form of a cheap monetary denomination.

Like wine and works of art, dimes also gain significant value as they get old. The older the dime is, the more is its historical and monetary values. Some of the dimes were minted in few hundred numbers. The odds of someone having that dime which had a limited mintage and circulation today is very less. So this lesser available dime has a great number of takers in the auction market. There has been auctions where rare and age old dimes were sold for millions of American dollars. A dime minted in 1894 was auctioned for 1.3 million USD in Baltimore. This is just one scenario and there are hundreds others out there.

Apart from being a profitable asset and a business venture, dime collecting is a great hobby to pursue. Dime collectors are respected as knowledgeable and sensible individuals by our society. For instance, a large number of dimes minted have the image of Lady Liberty engraved in the front face of the dime. This is a clear indication how much Americans value Liberty and Freedom. Respect for feminism and womanhood is also portrayed subtly.

Acquiring a dime for your collection is a challenging process. But that is not the end of the game. Dimes need to be properly taken care of. Metals have a tendency of getting corroded and tarnished. The first thing a dime collector should do is to get proper storage systems which are being sold at various collectible stores. On the other hand, you could build your own home grown solution to save money and add your own personal touch. The most important step is to keep the dimes separate.

The dimes should never be stored or cleaned together, as doing so may damage the surface of the dime irrevocably. Dimes should never be cleaned with acid or soaps with harsh chemicals. Mild soap and towel will do the trick. To protect the dimes from dirt and oil from the fingers, they should be handled along the edges. If you have extra money to spare, a temperature control system would be perfect and would complete the storage circle. If there are valuable dimes in your collection, you could use alarm systems at or a bank locker at home. Happy Dime Collecting!

?2008 – All Rights Reserved. The author, Brian Schwartz is the webmaster and fellow dime collector at DimeSeek – The Dime Collector’s Source.

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